Ebimobo W. Obasi

The Light of Life.

Apr 19, 2022

The cross in radious light and two of Jesus pointing to the cross.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12 (KJV).

It is most amazing what the understanding of the concept of light can accomplish and how very important this is to us and the world at large. The benefits of this singular concept cannot be underestimated. Hence it is a topic that must be revisited as often as possible.

Light by itself stands for a lot of things e.g., good, right, righteousness, life, truth, knowledge, enlightenment, civilization, freedom, liberty, etc. With this being said, it would be obvious to all that nobody in their right senses would want to have anything to do with something that is opposed to the concept of the emergence of light, and if there are people in this category(i.e. people who are opposed to the light) we would refer to them as the workers of darkness. Darkness as we know is the opposite of light and is associated with evil, wickedness, terror, death, lies, bondage, etc.

Therefore, it is indeed very important and vital that we do everything in our power to disassociate ourselves from darkness and seek out everything that has to do with the light, associating ourselves with it.

Our Bible verse for today shows us exactly how to accomplish this aim. It points us to who this light—-the true light–is, what we must do to be in close contact with or closely connected to this light and what we benefit from being associated with this light. The following, therefore, is an explanation of what our Bible verse is telling us today –

1. Jesus reveals Himself to us as this light, and explicitly as the light of the world.

2. He calls or invites us to believe in Him, His deeds, works, sayings, and word.

3. He encourages us to associate ourselves with Him and walk with Him.

4. The reason He encourages and invites us to Himself is that He is the only solution or way out of darkness, its control, and the bondage that has plagued the world since after the fall of man in the garden of Eden.

5. Moreover, He offers us everything that He as the true light has to offer, and that is the Light of Life.

What is this Light of Life? How can we quantify this light? This is the true, authentic essence of God Himself, and He dwells in this light. 1 John 1:5; 1 Timothy 6:16. This means that in Christ Jesus we have been invited to be the children of God our Father, and as God’s children it means we are invariably like our Father God. We have His essence and life in us, and wherever we go we bring this essence to bear. Executing His goodness, righteousness, love, power, judgment, healing, peace, joy, and many other essential characteristics of our Heavenly Father.

Walking with Jesus is the only way we can receive and extend the Light and the Life of God that He came to earth to offer us.

Ebimobo W. Obasi


Fill Me With The Light Of Your Life.

Dear LORD JESUS, thank You for defeating death and piercing the darkness. Please fill me with the light of your life, let it flood through every part of my being. I am so grateful that I can always rely on You, and I know that because of Your sacrifice, I don’t have to be a slave to darkness and my mistakes—I can experience freedom as I intentionally follow You. Today, please draw me closer to You. Make me more aware of Your presence and remove any fear that lingers in my life. In Your name JESUS, I pray AMEN.


My name is Ebimobo Obasi, Ebi (pronounced Ab) for short. I own Living Nuggets Blog. I am an Educator with more than 30 years teaching experience. I have taught different age and grade levels. However, in the last 15 plus years I settled to teach early years which I am very passionate about. I am also a Spiritual Life coach, I assist people to become their best possible self through spiritual, health, and educational growth.

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