Ebimobo W. Obasi

The First Reference Point to Prosperity

Mar 1, 2022

Beige Castle on large green landscape under under white clouds

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 (KJV).

What Kingdom do you seek or pay allegiance to? A kingdom is defined as a realm, domain, land, or principality under the control of a particular person, deity, or thing. Also, the person or entity having control over a kingdom bears titles such as sovereign ruler i.e. king, queen, controller, deity, etc.

Furthermore, a kingdom can be viewed as having both physical and spiritual implications. However, it seems a good number of us may relate to or are more preoccupied with a physical connotation of the term kingdom from the point of an earthly, mundane perspective and this is understandable since it is a realm we can easily identify or relate with.

The Bible is well versed on this topic about Kingdoms their functions and the roles they play in our lives and our world. Though the Bible acknowledges that the term Kingdom has both physical and spiritual connotations, it also makes us aware that there are different kingdoms presented within both realms.

Physical kingdoms as we know are earthly kingdoms identified by different geographical locations and systems of the world. While the spiritual kingdoms are identified by good and evil, light and darkness, the Kingdom of God – represents ‘light’, and the Kingdom of the Devil -represents ‘darkness.’

The authenticity of each one of these kingdoms can be differentiated by their levels, ranks, authorities, the power they demonstrate amongst themselves, their ability to perform their duties and obligations towards their subjects, and whether they uphold righteousness–just and fair laws that are of great benefit to those they rule over.

In our Bible verse for today, our Lord Jesus specifies the whole aspect of the meaning, function, and effects of the kingdom(s) as they relate to both the physical and spiritual realms, and how very important it is for us to consider which of these Kingdoms we should identify with, especially since kingdoms play a very crucial role/part in human life and existence. Moreover, we must be aware that these kingdom roles and activities can affect us simultaneously on both the physical and spiritual levels.

Also, we are made aware that the spiritual kingdom has precedence over the physical world, meaning that it is ranked higher in authority than the earthly kingdom realms. With the little understanding we now have of kingdoms and what they represent, the question we should ask here is, what Kingdom should we give credence or pay our allegiance to?

In answer to the question above, our Bible verse for today acts as a trustworthy compass. It helps to eliminate such kingdoms which fall short of the claims of what an authentic kingdom should represent, and points us to the true, authentic, righteous, and trustworthy kingdom. It goes further by admonishing us to place priority on this Kingdom, which is the Kingdom of God, and to go all out to first seek God’s Kingdom and all its righteousness above every other Kingdom.

So, what should we expect to gain from the righteous Kingdom of God, that no other Kingdom offers? According to our Bible verse for today, as mentioned earlier, we are made aware of the righteousness of God’s Kingdom, and the word righteousness simply means, right living, being in right standing with God, just, fair, truthful, and trustworthy. These attributes constitute everything man seeks daily to live a fulfilled life.

Even more amazing are the dainties and goodies that flow through seeking the Kingdom of God, such as life,  peace, joy, mercy, healing, comfort, all of the goodness of God, the love of a Heavenly Father that surpasses all else.

In this Kingdom, we get to reign as kings and priests with Christ Jesus here on earth and in Heaven, co-laboring with Christ as we see the will of the Father done on earth as it is in Heaven. We receive and live God’s life in abundance here on earth and in eternity. With all this to gain and much more, it is without any doubt worth seeking after the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. Therefore, let us take a bold and determined step into this first point of reference to the property, by first seeking the Kingdom of God and all of its righteousness.

Finally, what would be expected of us as we decide to participate as full-fledged bonafide members of the Kingdom of God? In living in this Kingdom, our way of life must revolve around God our Heavenly Father, and His Son Jesus who is our King, Lord, and Savior. We must be willing to take instructions from the owner of this Kingdom and live by the dictates of Kingdom principles, rules, and regulations by submitting to the Holy Spirit, who is also God’s Spirit assigned to help us navigate every facet of this Kingdom. Our willingness to do all this shows our love, appreciation, gratitude, and worship to the one who owns this Kingdom – GOD ALMIGHTY.

When we make it a point to first seek the Kingdom of GOD and its righteousness, we are automatically granted full rights to partake of all its benefits and such that are far beyond our wildest imaginations.

Ebimobo W. Obasi


Jesus, I Love You

Dear JESUS, I love You. Thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your good plan even though I’m not perfect. No matter what, I want to be close to You—following You wherever You go. So today, help me to seek first the Kingdom of God as I follow you. I know that as I do this all of your goodness and prosperity will be poured out on me. In everything I do, let my love for You be evident through the way that I treat others. AMEN.


My name is Ebimobo Obasi, Ebi (pronounced Ab) for short. I own Living Nuggets Blog. I am an Educator with more than 30 years teaching experience. I have taught different age and grade levels. However, in the last 15 plus years I settled to teach early years which I am very passionate about. I am also a Spiritual Life coach, I assist people to become their best possible self through spiritual, health, and educational growth.

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