Ebimobo W. Obasi

A Perfect Validation

Mar 2, 2022

White daisy bloom

There is none holy as the LORD: For there is none beside thee: Neither is there any rock like our God.
1 Samuel 2:2 (KJV).

Character validation is a very important aspect of life, especially, when it has to do with authenticity, trust, respect, and worthiness. The reputation of individuals, people’s groups, companies, and organizations can be at stake or put on the line if this issue is not properly addressed.

Indeed, we all need people, companies, organizations, brands to convince us through validating their authenticity and worthiness. This process makes us the viable customer comfortable in dealing with such entities, and when we get fully convinced and comfortable with the quality of the products, goods, and services we receive from these avenues we become advocates of such by recommending them to others around us.

Taking the discussion further with regards to spiritual concerns, we know that as created beings, we are creatures of worship, and as such we also seek spiritual validation, especially since we know that the Spiritual realm supersedes the natural and thus affects everything that happens in our natural world, so more reason why we must be very particular about validating the Spiritual. A Bible verse to support this claim can be found in 1 John 4: 1 – 5, which advises us not to believe every spirit and encourages us to validate, try or test every spirit. We need to be sure that such a spirit is the true and authentic Spirit of God.

Fully understanding spiritual precedence over the natural, man has continuously searched for something greater than him, something bigger than life itself that we can trust in, such a being who would be able to accurately fulfill the validation tests and requirements we are looking for.

Our Bible verse for today confirms our ongoing rhetoric, but even more so, it provides us a solid understanding of who it is that qualifies and fulfills this all-time character validation requirement that we seek. The following gives a brief exposé of our Bible verse for today:

1. We are presented with a Spiritual Being – God Almighty whose character substance is his Holiness. Meaning that His Character stands as all truth, everything trustworthy, everything good and pure, there is no darkness or evil found in Him.

2. This God our Bible verse presents, stands all by Himself. He is set apart in Power and Might. None can be like Him or can be compared to Him. Which means He can satisfy every craving and need of mankind.

3. Above all, this God can validate Himself all by Himself. He does not need anyone to do that for Him. What He says is what He does, who He says He is, is exactly what He is. All through the Bible, we see the acts and ways of our GOD accurately validating all that He is, and His validation extends through the eras of this life and into eternity.

When we realize how stable and solidly authentic our God is in all His ways, we will cease fretting in all of our ways.

Ebimobo W. Obasi


God is Great!

FATHER GOD, thank you for being able to validate yourself without any help or support. Indeed, there is no one like You! There is no one equal to You! You are our refuge and strength, and You alone are worthy of our worship. Today, help me to lead the way in praising You. I want to tell of Your greatness and strength to everyone around me. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN.


My name is Ebimobo Obasi, Ebi (pronounced Ab) for short. I own Living Nuggets Blog. I am an Educator with more than 30 years teaching experience. I have taught different age and grade levels. However, in the last 15 plus years I settled to teach early years which I am very passionate about. I am also a Spiritual Life coach, I assist people to become their best possible self through spiritual, health, and educational growth.

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