Ebimobo W. Obasi

Rock Solid Word

Feb 21, 2022

Person at grand Canyon

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35 (KJV).

We start today’s reflections and conversations following an inquiry pathway by asking ourselves some open-ended questions to answer and personally ponder on. This would hopefully spark off our thinking in the right direction.

The questions are as follows: What do the following words or terms mean to us? How can we relate to them and vice versa? How can they be fostered and maintained in our lives? While pondering on the answers to the questions, it may be helpful to think of the following words concerning the questions just asked: certain, certainty, unquestionable, assurance, reliable, trust, trustworthy, safe, safety, steadfast, firm, resolute, unyielding and the list may go on if we continue to consider words with like or similar tendencies, or characteristics.

The reason why these questions and words are pulled out of our hats today is that they are very connected to our lives, societal living, interactions, relationships, successes and if the truth is told, they add a lot of value and contribute to our well-being as human beings (please pause at this point and ponder on the words given above, feel free to use a dictionary to help draw out their meanings and what they may mean to your personal life).

Going forward, it is likely that a good number of us may not have truly considered some of these words before. On a serious note, this should be an exercise that we must frequently engage in. Why? Because it would help us hopefully seek the right answers and solutions to the issues we face in life.

So what do these words mean to us? Speaking from an objective point of view, they denote stability. We all want stability in our lives and we go out each day looking, searching, and seeking for every and anything that would bring us stability, right? So where can we obtain stability and the right kind that would do us good?

Our Bible verse for today points us in the right direction, which is the stability that comes from the Word of God. Why is God’s Word stable and sound? Because it gives us full confidence in its authenticity, truth, performing acts, reliability, and most of all its lifelong durability which is eternal. We are told in this Bible verse that, all else will pass away, but God’s Words, promises, and testimonies shall never pass away. Hence, it can provide all the stability we need for life and eternity unlike what any other earthly pronouncements or provisions can offer us.

Our ability to safely trust and rely on the Word of God written in God’s eternal book of life–the Bible, will provide us the unflinching stability we need for this life and beyond.

Ebimobo W. Obasi


Your, Word Remains Forever

FATHER GOD, when I consider how powerful and majestic You are, I am overwhelmed with awe. You spoke the world into motion. You defeated death when You said, “It is finished”—and Your words gave me eternal life. The world may change, but Your word is stable, it remains forever. Your promises will come to pass because You are faithful. Nothing compares to how great You are! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME, AMEN.


My name is Ebimobo Obasi, Ebi (pronounced Ab) for short. I own Living Nuggets Blog. I am an Educator with more than 30 years teaching experience. I have taught different age and grade levels. However, in the last 15 plus years I settled to teach early years which I am very passionate about. I am also a Spiritual Life coach, I assist people to become their best possible self through spiritual, health, and educational growth.

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