For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV).
Looking at our topic for today, we can very well say that this is indeed a very unconventional way to live. Also, the world we live in has made every effort that we do not achieve this lifestyle, it does all it can to make sure that our lives are not fear-free.
We see, hear and experience this avalanche of fear peddling, happening everywhere and every day coming at us from media outlets, the news, television talk shows, the internet, adverts, schools, educational materials, religious institutions and sadly enough the church is not without blame.
It is a constant barrage on our minds that would not allow us to think or act straight and with an intent to paralyze and keep us in one place or spot. So, what is the way out of this dungeon of fear? How can we achieve living a life absent and free from fear?
The humble solution is to go back to God’s blueprint and intentions stated in His Word in the Bible, and this is found in our Bible verse for today in (2 Timothy 1:7). God’s intentional blueprint here is that He has not given us the spirit of fear or timidity, but rather, His Spirit that brings or gives us power, love, and self-discipline, or a sound mind.
Note, fear is a spirit, however, God’s Spirit is more superior and powerful than the spirit of fear. Therefore, to conquer the spirit of fear, we must decide on allowing ourselves to engage God’s Spirit and Word as we courageously partner with God to be the voices and demonstrators of His truth in the marketplaces of the world.
Thus, our primary calling and purpose in this regard should be to show forth God’s life and light, as we stand unwavering applying the wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of God’s word in every situation where fear tries to dominate.
Proverbs 1:20 – 23 and chapter 4, tell us that Wisdom’– (which is the anchor place for a sound mind), Understanding’ –(the foundation and cornerstone for Love), and ‘Knowledge’– (the Power Engine for the Fear and Reverence of God), must be the tools and values to employ for informing, instructing, beckoning, and crying out in the streets, in the market places and in the seven mountains of the world where God has placed us to function in and not the tools of fear and dread we get from secular mediums.
Hence, as we use the tools and values God has given us by the Power of His Holy Spirit and the Word, can we successfully live a life absent and free from fear.
To live a life absent from fear, will require us to wilfully and willingly engage God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as well as the truth of God’s Word applying its Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding in everything we do or say and everywhere and place we go or are appointed to be in.
Ebimobo W. Obasi.
A Prayer for Replacing Fear with Love.
FATHER GOD, thank You for taking fear’s power and replacing it with love. I know that I will be afraid at times, but Your gift means I don’t have to stay living in fear. Please help me to control my doubts and fears and replace those thoughts with what is good and true. Give me the grace to constantly apply all of the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that You have made available to me in Your word, that I may be able to stand against the onslaught of the evil one at all times. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN.