Ebimobo W. Obasi

The Greatest Roadmap For Future Expectations

May 3, 2022

Black Toy Car on World Map

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV).

A common driving force for us as human beings that keeps us going in life, even in the face of challenges and difficulties is the expectations we have set for ourselves.

Most of us have set goals and expectations for the future that we look to meet or accomplish. These expectations usually in most cases always has a particular undertone that is geared towards prosperity, a better and more comfortable life to enjoy.

We want to be able to enjoy a lifestyle where we have at our disposal almost everything life can afford. Therefore, to achieve this goal we tend to work very hard to realize this future dream or expectation.

However, life could be very cruel and unpredictable at times, after all, we live in a fallen world, which accounts for most of the mishaps happening around us. So, life at some point may have dealt to us a hard blow. We may have lost our income, the business deal may have fallen through, and money may have just gone down the drain without any warning.

We find ourselves in a terrible situation and we do not know what to do. Even more disheartening is that our dreams and future slowly dissipate before our eyes, leaving us feeling helpless and hopeless. We begin to wonder if there is any hope to the unending problems, but most of all we wonder if we will ever realize the dreams and expectations we had worked so hard for.

The answer to such wonderings is that there is a solution to this problem. The solution is that we must connect ourselves to the expectations and dreams of God for our lives.

Our Bible verse for today gives us a realistic scenario. In this Bible verse, we are being made to understand that God constantly has us on His mind and in His thoughts. This means that we have an established place or compartment in God’s mind and thought. A place where He constantly sees us, and it does not matter if we are aware of this fact or not. He remains the God who sees and who knows.

Furthermore, we get to realize that God’s thoughts for us are very determined, precise, and intentional. More so, His thoughts have already charted a course for us, which has attached to it a future goal and expectation. How amazing this is!

In chatting this course for us, God’s expectation for us has only one end or goal insight, and that is to bring good, give us peace—-‘ nothing missing nothing broken. It is an expectation that is meant to give us joy unspeakable, fulfillment, prosperity, and everything we ever desire, ask, or imagine. 1 Corinthians 2:9.

So, be encouraged by the fact that we have always been in the mind of God. For this reason, Jesus came to die to bring us back to the Father, because He could not bear to let us be lost from His thoughts forever. Sin separated us but Jesus reconnected us back to where we belong, in God’s mind and thoughts, so that He can re-establish the purposes and expectations that He always had for us. Romans 8:28-30.

All we must do as we navigate challenging and difficult times and seasons is to trust God. Get into the word, spend time in prayer finding out what His thoughts are and how He would like His thoughts and purposes to be accomplished in our lives.

Always remember, that we serve a God who hears, sees, knows, and speaks. He will always and most certainly respond through His Holy Spirit.

If we believe that our God is greater, larger, and bigger than what we ever imagine or think, then we must understand and believe that His expectations for our lives and wellbeing are equally bigger, larger, and greater than what we can ever imagine.

Ebimobo W. Obasi


A Prayer of Thanks for Hope and a Future

FATHER GOD, before the world was formed, You had a plan for my life. You have always wanted me to live in hope of Your good plan. Thank You so much that You have always had me in your thoughts, and so I don’t have to fear or worry about anything the enemy tries to bring against me. Please help me to have patience when Your plans don’t seem clear. Give me the faith to trust that You are working. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN.


My name is Ebimobo Obasi, Ebi (pronounced Ab) for short. I own Living Nuggets Blog. I am an Educator with more than 30 years teaching experience. I have taught different age and grade levels. However, in the last 15 plus years I settled to teach early years which I am very passionate about. I am also a Spiritual Life coach, I assist people to become their best possible self through spiritual, health, and educational growth.

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